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Reviews for "Kingdom of Machines"


ill give ya an A for effort but itz kinda crud... u should like put some arrows or something.. to tell ya where the hell to go... or at least give some more detail..


I don't understand shit of this game, can't go anywhere im supposed to go. just some rolling balls as my only enemies.
Nice graphics though

what happened

its started out all right but the further you get into it the worse it got.

How can a game that looks so good be so boring?

This game is just, in all honesty, God awful. It's got some of the best looking pixel-graphics I have ever seen on a flash game(Or any game for that matter) that I have personally have ever seen on this site (Or anywhere else for that matter). But, it is just completely boring. It lacks a great story, interesting enemies and characters (really lacks characters; there's only the Warlord, the grandma, and the protagonist), and overall, fun.

The story is really some of the worst I've heard heard. Back in September, I reviewed a game called Canabalt, and mentioned it has the best story I have ever "heard" in a game. While Canabalt doesn't have any dialog what's so ever, it did have a story, just told in a unique and interesting way. This game uses the same type of story telling that has been used back in the NES times, and it really doesn't work very well. For example, when you're character wakes up, the grandma come back and goes " Oh, good! You're awake. Listen, would you be such a deary and destroy the evil warlord and his robotic minions? Thank you, sweetie" And then you go out the doorway (Surprisingly, there aren't any doors ) and the evil warlord, who is just outside your house for God knows what reason, goes " If you want to fight me you'll have to fight the four mini-bosses! MUHAHAHAHA!"

The gameplay is really, really dull. There's a complete lack of characters, interesting characters, and character development. Now I know the town you are in has been destroyed, so it's likely they have all died, but, the grandma could have at least be a bit more interesting. The enemies you fight are just the worst enemies I have ever seen in a game; you don't really have to fight them at all. Just run pass them all until you reach the mini boss, kick his ass, and repeat. There are 4 mini-bosses and they all look the same, just different colors. The level designs are really terrible; they are repetitive and bland. I often found myself getting lost. The environment really doesn't make any sense. Why was there a town built in the middle of some sort of forest, or whatever, that have maze like buildings?

The graphics are really the only good thing about this game; they look incredible. Simply the best looking game I've seen with pixel-graphics, anywhere. The game really is well detailed and it animates quite well. However, I do have a slight problem with the protagonist's animation, particularly his running animation. Running forward, toward the bottom, and from the sides doesn't look the same; when he runs forwards, he looks like his unzipping his pants, or something; when he runs towards the bottom looks like he's somewhat dancing. And when he runs from the sides, it seems more believable.

The game has decent sound effects, and I have noticed how the music may change depending on where you are at. But, there really isn't anything spectacular going on for the audio.

Just 'cause you got good looking graphics, doesn't mean you got a great game.

GOOD - Good looking graphics.

BAD - Boring as hell. Repetitive level designs. Constantly getting lost. Worst enemies ever. The audio is nothing special.

Map Generator

That "sometimes the procedurally generated maps can create a game that can't be finished. This is pretty rare, but if it happens just refresh and restart the game" remark. To me, invalid. It is far from rare. I've tried countless times to play it and finish it, and I'm constantly and consistently running into generated maps that cannot be finished.