thats the best flash ever
its funny as hell wish i knew how to do that im sending this to all my friends
thats the best flash ever
its funny as hell wish i knew how to do that im sending this to all my friends
Awesome, man. Spread the love!
It was pretty funny. I do watch most of those series' too and I found all of your parodies comical indeed.
Jerry Jackson doesn't apply, huh? ;)
Oh wait... I mean... I hope you die of AIDS... Yeah...
LMAO. Now that last line is more along the lines we were expecting, though I like the beginning MUCH more.
The sound was pretty bad, and I was disappointed when you didn't include madness as one of the flashes killed. Really disappointed; thats one NG's is known best for.
Madness was on the table and was going to be put in. It got scrapped, though for length.
That's ok. They get to be saved for later... ;)
i realized something
i though it was
as in i will press
but its actually ILL WILL PRESS
that came at me fast..
I can't believe you killed bitey first.
You gotta start at the top, man.