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Reviews for "Make Your Own Story!!!"

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13 years ago, in a campsite in Philly, a/an Rugged camper named Grimm had the adventure of his life. It all began in one Burly morning when Grimm was hunting Lions. He heard a Fiery roar louder than any Lion he had ever heard. He went to check out what had made than sound, but he found nothing. Later that night, he heard the same Fiery roar, but this time he knew it was close by. He wondered off in the night and saw a/an Evil creature with Black fur. Grimm knew this had to be the Evil Bigfoot. Grimm had to be careful, so he hid behind a nearby Banana. He started to think of Pie, and his stomach started growling. Immediately, the beast turned around and Shitted at Grimm. Holy Cunt Whale, yelled Grimm, as the Black beast reached him. Grimm was never seen again, but legend says that you can still hear the screams of Grimm around that campsite in Philly.

i'll never get tired of this

great story maker heres mine

Once upon a time, there was a mean kingdom called penisville. Everything was peaceful in penisville until one day a upset creature called black cock attacked. black cock had the penis of a/an penicorn and the penis of a/an penicron. He destroyed the whole kingdom and took the princess hostage. It was up to one sad knight to save penisville, and that knight's name was penis. As soon as penis heard that the kingdom was being attacked, he got his lucky pink armor and started riding his penicorn to black cock's lair. He took his angry penis and shited the beast's penis. The beast screamed penis!!! And then shited at penis almost killing him. penis used his last bit of energy to pee black cock away. Thanks to penis, the kingdom of penisville was saved and penis and the princess lived happily ever after.

great game lmao!!!

this was funny i think you should make more but with different storys thou but good job!!

Haha very funny story!

43 years ago, in a campsite in Whitehouse, a/an stupid camper named George W. had the adventure of his life. It all began in one moronic morning when George W. was hunting cows. He heard a arrogant roar louder than any cow he had ever heard. He went to check out what had made than sound, but he found nothing. Later that night, he heard the same arrogant roar, but this time he knew it was close by. He wondered off in the night and saw a/an faithful creature with red fur. George W. knew this had to be the faithful Bigfoot. George W. had to be careful, so he hid behind a nearby Bible. He started to think of cocaine, and his stomach started growling. Immediately, the beast turned around and fucked at George W.. Holy Cheney monkey, yelled George W., as the red beast reached him. George W. was never seen again, but legend says that you can still hear the screams of George W. around that campsite in Whitehouse.

Once upon a time, there was a undefined kingdom called coolcastle. Everything was peaceful in coolcastle until one day a undefined creature called evilman attacked. evilman had the of a/an dragon and the of a/an bat. He destroyed the whole kingdom and took the princess hostage. It was up to one undefined knight to save coolcastle, and that knight's name was stupidman. As soon as stupidman heard that the kingdom was being attacked, he got his lucky blue armor and started riding his t-rex to evilman's lair. He took his undefined goldgun and the beast's . The beast screamed fuck you!!! And then undefined at stupidman almost killing him. stupidman used his last bit of energy to durrr evilman away. Thanks to stupidman, the kingdom of coolcastle was saved and stupidman and the princess lived happily ever after. ._.