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Reviews for "A Canvas And A Struggle"

I hope this was meant to be funny...

If only Andy Warhol himself had come up with that idea. That dick.

Of all things to spoof on Newgrounds you chose the Art World and somehow still wound up with Daily Feature. Holy Shit!

I think its weird that they put this in Serious Shorts because I actually thought it was pretty funny. A lot of artists do some retarded things to make a name for themselves; everything from painting pictures of Jesus with puke, shit or semen to sculpting George W. Bush raping a baby, or they simply pass on the credit for their mediocre artwork to their four-year-old daughters and start raking in the dough. I think It is this sort of nonsense, that misplaced emphasis on originality over actual artistry that you were trying to poke fun at.

Ok, good story

Nice story, I like the way the guy make his art. I never thought about it nice idea, but you could have put some brain's parts on the sheet but well nice too. Nice graphics by the way. But I like to know, is all the graphics make in Flash or did you use another software like Illustrator?


Right... so art is what you can get away with, but the guy in the animation obviously did not get away with blowing his head open. How can people say this is deep? Are you emo or something? Killing yourself for something you believe in is typically heroic, but just to get a splatter of blood on a canvas? What the hell is wrong with you people... this is not an example of a deep form of art, this is an example of the idiots of the world thinking that killing themselves is sacrifice.
Morale dilemmas aside, it was very well animated, so I give you a six because there are several factors that should be taken into account when rating an animation.

Listen here asshole,

I thought this animation was damn good, it use a little work with some of the minute things such as positioning and movement but over all it was . it was shocking for some panzy ass dickheads named statikeye1, but I see the point the ACTUAL Artist is trying to make.


He killed himself
I guess he couldn't get anything done
you're blood looked nice btw