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Reviews for "Via Sol 2"

very good!

but its very tough

Well, It was Suprisingly Good

I liked it. I preferred to play with the Turtle as my Political Adviser (nice touch I might add). Some things to consider though: Consider adding more options for buildings and try not to make re-occuring events. I swear, the second time I played (the first time I failed because like you said, noobs have to get used to it).

I had a Ninja fall through my skylight possibly 3 or 4 times (i understand you have that but sometimes it says different stuff, etc.) but the text remained the same each time. It gave me the same options such as Kick in Groin, Tell him a story, say I...Love you, etc.

Cool game though, too bad it's so short. I didn't particularly like the end of the game it just says "You've won, what do you want to do with your people?" Kill the Jews or Christians and stuff? Couldn't that have been left out? I'm sure you'll get losts of reviews concerning that! Great job though! Look forward to more.

Good replay value; challenging.

The minimalistic yet appealing and elegant fast-paced gameplay makes for a great game. Great work!

== BUGS ==

Noticed a bug where the amount of resources added per week doesn't correspond to the amount displayed on the interface (happens with almost every government). Pretty annoying on the higher difficulties where you sometimes have to carefully micro-manage your resources. This bug happens in both the NG and Flyborg.net versions.

Maybe it's a browser-related problem? I'm running Firefox ENG.

== TIPS ==

Winning a gaming with a kleptocracy government IS possible! Here's how I did it:

Map: I

Starting point: Northern part of the largest island, near the ore resource and the river

Immediately build a mine, then a dam. Then work your way towards the ore deposit on the nearby island. Afterwards, build a TV station, a farm and two quarries. Build 2-3 coal power plants and maybe 1-2 farms.

As soon as you have enough resources, build a city or two and a college. Keep spamming coal plants (always on hills) and quarries to produce ore as quick as possible with some farms to keep your populace from whining. While you build all of this, first make your way towards the southern river of the largest island and build a dam and a mine south of it (build roads if you have to).

If you're having problems keeping the people happy, quickly colonize the second largest island and build a second TV station.

When you've more or less momentarily stabilized the situation, quickly build a fort, a Faux News TV station and start building nuclear power plants to replace your coal plants.

Keep practicing until you get it just right and you should make it. I won a kleptocracy game at the end of the 25th week.

Misc tips:

Don't build junk factories, they're huge resource hogs and don't help much if your populace is starving or dying from brown outs.

Never have more ore stored than what a building requires. If you don't know what to build: coal plants + quarries and fine tune number of farms

1 coal plant = power for 2 quarries

I didn't use biodome farms or factories when playing kleptocracy. You can try using them but I found out that quarries + farms work just fine.

good game

this game is insanely addicting and challenging

Fun, but the different bonuses/penalties

Should be shown within the game itself. It's not so much an issue with the bonuses, that's just gravy, but with the penalties, it's hard to know if you've actually got any ore/electricity/food production since the penalties aren't represented in your in game stat meters. For instance, with the kleptocracy it might show that I have plus 6 ore production, but with the penalties I might have negative ore production. It's not as if it's easy to calculate on the fly, +6 with only 2 usage is very different from +6 with 74 usage. With a 25 percent penalty, in the first case you really have only a +4, but in the second,you actually have a -14! When you're building like crazy, you don't have the time to do the math constantly. You need to be able to see it. Other than that, fun times.

Flyborg responds:

I have no idea how long ago the game was updated, but that should be fixed with the latest and final update.