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Reviews for "Pizza Shack Deluxe"

good game

This was a really fun game in the begining but than it just got way too hard. there is no way i could even make 3 ice cream cones in the time i had and on top of that i still had to put chicken and pizza in the bag. honestly this game wasnt thought out very much. the beging lvls u have just enough time so its fun. but as u go through the lvls you have to put more items in the bag in the same amount of time. i just suggest that the further into the game u go you should get a little more time. like base it seconds per item or somthing and mayb a little longer if they need the items that require the up down thing or the left right thing.

overall it was a very good game. i thought the graphics were nice and the concept of the game was very good as well. so i give it a 9 would be a 10 if it wasnt so extreemly hard.

Let me see if I get this straight

The more u spend money on upgrades, the harder the game gets? Silly if u ask me

CLFlashDesign responds:

Not at all actually. If anything; the game gets easier? The more upgrades/machines you have does not affect how many items the customer orders. Essentially- it gives the customer choice on what to order, thus solving the problem many of you are complaining about: "It's awkward when he orders 3 pizzas or 3 burgers" etc. As there is less of a chance he'll order 3 pizzas as there are more items to choose from. Thanks for your review anyhow. - Chris

Good game

But I noticed a glitch in the game. If you move down while holding the down arow and right arrow (to get to the customer) and walk into the table, your character ends up by the fries machine. wtf? Anyway, good game!

Good but..

the movemnt is a bit weird and the updates make it harder you need somthing good in return for getting updates but i look forward to more :D

Boring and repetitive.

I think this game is boring and repetitive. It's Simon with a little button mashing. I don't see any point for getting upgrades, and the walking was annoying. It was hard to get exactly on the square. I actually think the first was better.