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Reviews for "Song Stages"

good but to hard

i like your game and all but u seriously have to take it down a notch on how hard it is, for example in the beggining the second round is so hard on its 3 stage that i havent even gotten through it after 10 minutes of trying, i like how we have to avoid the things flying at us while the wall is closing in, but its taking it to far when u expect us not to the wall

Are you tested it?

This game, is impossible! Its too fast! The graphic was okay, but man! This is a rythim GAME. Not a rythim mazo.


mouse lags allot and throws me way off


bad game but addicting

User Friendly

8/10 for the first level. As Zekionll stated on a laptop it is very hard, and i am unable to proceed. Maybe create a laptop friendly version, or maybe have difficulties?

Nice idea, but will rate down on terms of it being a bit hard for some users.