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Reviews for "-API- All of the World"


Loving the use off two melodies throughout, and that bass was awesome. It sounded like it needed to be a tiny bit thicker towards the end, but then again it isnt finished, although it should be. Get back to work.

I would say it is a little too short, but again, its not finished, so I can't. Either way, this has enough potential that if you were to finish it, you could eaisly cap 3 minutes and still keep the listner interested, as long as you added enough contrast...

As I said, get back to work.


Lovely track dude ;D keep it up...try to use more low end mastering tho.*God i suck at reviewing but a promise is a promise*

Cya ///B0UNC3


You need to finish this!

This is awsome!
API i so wanna be as good as you!
What software You use????


This song is awesome!!! Its going to be my favorite!

Reminds "Polynator" and "Paradise on E" idk. But this awesome nostalgy!