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Reviews for "Caravaneer"


This game is quite amazing. It inst confusing at all (at least for me).
Has a great storyline, a new concept and it quite a challenge!


D-mah responds:


Great game

-After I saved, sometimes I encountered black bandits that almost never moved; after I beat them there would be an undefined item with and undefined weight
-After I saved, peoples payday became undefined

-During battles, I think the maps should be smaller; it takes forever to finish some
-A mini map during battles to show locations of all enemies and allies
-Objects like bushes during battles that affect accuracy
-A point that shows your current location on your map
-Maybe a leveling up system for your characters so they can improve agility, strength, etc.

This is an amazing game.

something to add

It's a great game, I really like it, except that I have to battle too much. It's not the problem with the strength of the robbers, becouse I have enough men to kill them, but sometimes it gets annoying to get attacked at every 10th kms. And near the starting areas I get still attacked by the weak swordsmen, wich is silly thing since they have no chance at all, but I still have to battle it out. You should add an autobattle feature, and/or more cautious robbers (I mean they souldn't attack when they have no chance at all.
Another feature you should add to be able to do something with my loot from the bandits apart from throwing it away. I mean that it's bad and also strange that I can't sell fine and expensive weapons, becouse the shop doesn't buy it. And it buys almost nothing. I'm sad when I have to throw away things that worth together more then 10000. At least if I could store them fore the better times...

love it!

the story i found was hard it complete because as soon as you get to where the pirate base is, about 5 groups of 20 men attack you every 50 feet. also like many of my peers have said, a reputation rank to ward off some smaller groups of pirates would be great. also i would like a way to delete saved games. i think it would be a good idea if you could trade with other caravan groups you meet on the way. this game is great and one of the best flash games i know. hours and hours of gameplay have been spent here


This is an awesome game. one time, i accidentaly went to qubba.... and survived... lots of options and such, A+ job, all my fives r belong to this :D