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Reviews for "Caravaneer"


all it really needs is some cheats or suthing like that


This is an awesome game. one time, i accidentaly went to qubba.... and survived... lots of options and such, A+ job, all my fives r belong to this :D

Breath tackeing!

What to say....?
Best strategy game online, no doubt....
It is very complex whic makes it unbelivebly good :D!
The graphics,the story everything brought to perfection...
But the music, the music is truly divine...
Anyway dude i REALLY hope that you make a number 2...
Once again the best game on the net!

PS.Well, AngelFeathers, you can save the game on the navigation map...
Once there you have a small icon of a tool and below it is writen CPT.
There you can save, load, change options etc...

I have a small (kind of) problem with this

its as good as everyone said and more, but i found... there is no way to save your game.. i made a big caravan, over 1k of loading capacity and a good bunch of crew hands.. i accidentally attacked another caravan and well xD we were all slaughtered, i figured the game automatically saves when you enter a town, low and behold i go to the 'load game' and .. nothing

best game ever amde that was free and submited

to this site (Title)

eney way omg great games i have some probs i cant attack desert patrol
some guns sound bad some pistols arent realy very good toa dd but need for coms so i get that thats all i realy didnt like besides this is my biggest prob theres realy no scenery or terain to affect your combat or movment on map or during battle

and some tips for players to amke u have fun dont attack carvans it makes it so uc ant do missons keep forge and water on at all times and

people are limted so be carful certian weps work better then others giving a guy 2if posible if wep isnt flexible like give a guy a rocket and a gun if u can grenades give some of your soliders one or two also mules are overall the best animal they can go fiarly fast and can carry alot and some are bad becuse worst one can only hold a little but

biggest thing if u ever need fuel for vehicles dont run out or u lose em

notes for maker
more cash from shierf
better graphics more of a story mode quicker like mabey police guy gives u a few
and make it so some tiems random people will ask to join u in town and mabey some random events if u do taht um u can almsot turn into a pay to paly game we need more desighners like u