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Reviews for "Luminara"

Delightfully complex vector sh'mup!

Graphics: Simple vector shapes with a surprising ammount of personality. You can tell the mine-layers from the homing drones from the richochets at a glance.

Style: Quirky, fun, and hyper. The squaresplosions, while distracting, are fun.

Sound: Generic techno music goes well with the simplictic, brightly-colored visuals. The "Let's go!" is a nice touch. Shots fired are subtle, except for the deliberately grating laser, which only makes the (thankfully temporary) powerup feel like that much more overkill. Most people around here will probably give you shit about the music, but it fits the visuals perfectly, contributing to an overall theme.

Violence: If it don't bleed, killing it in front of me is harmless.

Interactivity: Loved the unlimited shots. Loved the temporary invincibility. Loved the rapid level progression. Loved the powerups, especially "buddy." Tolerated the flashing cube explosions. Absolutely hated losing track of my goddamned cursor. I was clicking on ads at one point!

Ways to make the cursor visible:

-Just use the operating system's cursor! We're used to it, we can see it, it can never be covered up.


-Make the cursor graphic more distinct (a flashy targeting recticule, blinking arrows, thin line crosshairs that cover the entire screen, whatever.) and make sure it's on top. The easiest way to ensure this is to attach it to its own layer, and then attach all the other game objects to a lower layer. (Simmilar to the way I'd immagine you're currently doing the HUD.)

Ideally, you want the player to be able to see his ship and the crosshairs AT ALL TIMES, even when the screen is full of explosions.

Overall: Great game, with one minor issue that sorta breaks the playability.

jmtb02 responds:

Wow, a monstrous review, well critiqued. You made some good points and I appreciate it greatly. Thanks! -jmtb02

Too chaotic.

This game was really well designed and I'm glad you didn't put in actual gun sounds as it would've ruined it, but it's TOO chaotic.

Great, fun gameplay. Perfect artsy graphics. But it was just too much. Hamf the time I couldn't find my guy or see the cursor. Otherwise it would've been great.

Pretty cool game, I'm ranked 59 on the one on Digg

Or at least I was when I played it.

The main problem I have is that you can't see the crosshair in huge graphical fights, and it also lags on low quality for me.


It's a good game. It's just....the thing keeps lagging. If you press the fire button multiple times it lags the game and you wont see anything further until it actually makes the rest of those shots, so firing quickly is difficult. I wouldn't know how you'd fix something like that but it wasn't until level like, 5 that I realized I could use the arrow keys. Moving was pointless because every damn enemy was too slow to touch you anyway.


Flawed because the controls are squirelly and the ship and cursor virtually invisible.