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Reviews for "Madness Consternation"


I don't see what people like so much about this series. Graphically, its not too great, sound is good at best, and most of all it is retardedly repetitive. There might as well not even have a plot since its so shallow. Even though people apparently love the excesive violence, there are way better submissions with that, especially the Castle series- Superior graphics, awsome sound effects, and a surprisingly good storyline, but these madness things keep getting in the top 50 but not Castle. I mean, this is way better than the majority of flashes at ng, but its just way over hyped in my opinion. Sorry for being so critical.


I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting since August, and I fell out of my chair when I saw this was like the 25th one down from the list on the portal.

I heard some rumors that Jebus was going to help Hank, but apparently not.

What I'm REALLY gearing up for is next episode, since at the end, somebody (maybe the sherrif 0_o) turned up the dial on the improbability drive.

It's an honor being one of the first 4,000 to view this. It's sort of a reward for visiting here once in awhile.

Another classic.


As you can tell by my name, I am a fan of your flash movies. Your series keeps getting beteter and better, as are your art skills. The giant baddie and fire clown were awesome. At first I found the beginning kinda boring, but it is really poetic and a little funny to see Hank being thrown around. One of the things you did really well on in this one (besides it being long, which is a good thing) was showing more of the madness universe, with the several new types of baddies and the drill seargent with his recruits for the 1337 crew. Ok I am done with my nerdy rambling, but, again, thank you, and I look forward to what will be a great (if bloody) next episode.


W00T!!!1 ALL MY 5 R BELONG 2 DIS!!! there were guns (and a chainsaw) galore!!! keep up the best work!!! JUSWIN1233!!!~


i have no clue whare its going to go from here but its as good if not better than the others in this series. I cant wait for the next one