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Reviews for "Idoll"

nice one

that was a nice animation. your drawings were very nice.... you definitely have some nice drawing talents. i didn't care too much for the song in this one... i found it to be a little bit sappy, but i did enjoy this one either way.... especially your drawings. you show a lot of potential, i look forward to seeing more from you in the near future.

Good Animation.

The animation here was better than most new movies on Newgrounds (it was a tad bit repetitive, however). The song didn't fit so well. I was thinking of the original video for Otome no Policy the entire time and it was sort of distracting.

hunter1410 responds:

thanks buddy!!!, there is a video of otome no policy??? i didn´t knew that!!! maybe i should have used another song to avoid distractions :D anyway thanks!!

very good for a first movie

I am working on my first few movies too and i have to admit my first one doesnt even have a background color =/ i dont understand how people make those really long ones. Gtg keep animating your very good at it.


I find this flash to have incredibly incosistant graphics. Usually trade marks of art theift. Seriously, where to begin... how about the eyes... I can't even begin to describe how weird they look. Could the irises be any bigger and poorly placed? Not to mention the three frame animation period. Seems the father away you get the lower the detail. This all around sucks. I don't care what anyone else says. I should also note all the repeating scenes. Try at the very least to use your same images in different frame orders. Its like watching the Flinstones or classic Spiderman.

Do your own drawing not ripping other peoples. Its too obvious how the art styles change throughout the flash.

hunter1410 responds:

thank you very much for your comments, really bad or good no mather everything is completly great in order to improve so i´ll try to explain some of the problems:
first of all, nope believe it or not the character is NOT ripped off from nobody, i created that character more than 10 years ago, yes there are some terrible mistakes i know and i can only say that this was must of all because as i said this is my first flash, I know this is no excuse but for me it was very hard to create everything with the mouse and with a program that i´m trying to dominate. finally yes there are a lot of scenes that are repeated, but i think that´s something that even great works like the flintstones (as you said) or great anime series are guilty of, i have seen some great masterpieces here in newgrounds who are guilty of the same crime, but as i said thanks for taking the time to tell me what was wrong . next time ill try to do my best and improve it.