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Reviews for "The Bar Pick-Up"

Not bad

As a girl, I didn't have a hard time figuring out the "right" answers considering that all the wrong answers were things that I would never want to hear from a guy. The game was entertaining, I'll give you that much. It would have been nice to have some kind of conclusion though...something a little more creative than "maybe you'll get lucky tomorrow. Play again?" And just for the record, the blonde isn't always the hot one, and brunettes aren't always dogs. Next time make one with a dark, hot Brazillian chick or something. Make it interesting for those of us who aren't into animated Gweneth Paltrow-looking broads. Decent, but not amazing.

needs A LOT of work

it's not exactly something i would write home about, kinda lame. the voice and music are annoying, pls do something about it. i had to mute the volume on my pc. and then wats up with the ending? she just blew me off 3 times after i clicked "what time do i call you tommorow?" that was the only reasonable thing to click. is there a bug in it or what?

you need to improve the lines too, they are kinda cheesy. it seems to me that it's a game of probability and the probability of you getteing a good ending is 1 out of 3.

that was a load of bull..

Not only was the game friggen choppy, but Daaaaamnn that woman was ugly. IT even makes you have to start all over again after several minutes of being forced to act like a cocky, sleazy dick.

Horrible script-writing, a 4 year old could have written lines 4 times better than that. It felt like I was trying to watch an cheesy chick flick with butterscotch up my nose. I want 5 minutes of my life back.

I would rather be watching softcore porn Skinemax, whatever the hell that is then play this game.

What he said

What the guy below me said...

Honestly , here's a statistic for you, 99% of guys don't like to dance yeah. but that last % are probably gay, and secondly, only .0000003% of women are actually like that one you have to try and win over. If a woman see's my review, and you're like that....please...just...live in solitude and save us the trouble of dealing with an inferior life form such as yourself. Now for some national geographic. "We watch as the young female's behemoth friend is grazing in the meadow...a male attempts to court the young female but wait! The behemoth get's in the way....What's this? The young male took out a chainsaw and is....chopping the behemoth into pieces?! How utterly delightful."

ROFLMAO - More time required at the bars.

Wonder why your making games instead of being at the bars? the flash work is there but..."the game?" no no no my friend, i found myself searching for the OTHER button wayyy too much. Good flash skills though i'll say that.