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Reviews for "Sephiroth vs Silent Hill"

No sir. I didn't like it.

You look like you really wanted to do this but you got tired of it half way through so you threw in some really crappy Bush joke so you could submit it and get feed back.
I don't know much about either game but you look like knew a bit about both to animate whatever you animated there; so at least you had that down. The voice acting isn't a problem; I don't know how you would get someone to sound jus tlike sephiroth or whomever.
Good attempt mate, don't know how you made front page but props to ya for that'll.

fadedshadow responds:


Almost down the middle score.

The Idea was good. Sephiroth in Silent Hill... I like it! But the execution was... done a little badly. But, I'm not going to bust your balls for it like some users have done. This is coming from someone that has some Experiance in flash so, don't worry about this review coming from some asshole that doen't know what the fuck they are talking about. Now that we got all that shih out the way, lets get started with the review.

The graphics where not THAT terrible. At least I could make out what the monsters where. However, I did have a issue with sephiroth having limited character animations. The Backround was a little sloppy looking but, I have seen FAR worst than that...Believe me!

The Sound had the Silent Hill feel to it but, the Voice Acting Could of used some refinement. It wasn't God Awful like some say. It just needed some work.

The Violance was on the money! But, the visual Efx where kind of dull. The only fix for that is experiance with flash.

The Humor was misplaced. Its not that it wasn't funny, It more like it didn't fit with the animation. What does george bush have to do with Silent Hill anyway?

Like I said before, The Idea/Style, Was A good Idea. It was just done a little poorly but, You don't get good with Flash Overnight like some people expect you to be. Nice atempt!

Overall, You did a decent job, You just need more experiance. I remember when I started making flash my end product wasn't that great but, I keep trying and I got better. Given a Couple of years, you might be as good Mindchamber.

fadedshadow responds:

it has been a while since i made a movie, my last major movie was done several months ago

Not bad

The Sephiroth and the enemies didn't look bad, and the fighting wasn't bad either. However, the background was a bit awkward looking with the tiles. I think there's a tutorial somewhere on newgrounds that teaches you how to make tiled depth perception. Also, the story was too short and kind of random. But I didn't think you planned this to be a full-scale project, more of a test of your animating abilities. I liked it.

fadedshadow responds:

you're right, man and can u find me this tutorial?


like the guy said The map part at the beginning was pretty funny i liked it good short thou.

fadedshadow responds:


just plain dumb

bad animation, bad voice acting, bad everything. wasn't even funny and the end didnt make any sense.

fadedshadow responds:

wah wah wah wah wah fuck u