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Reviews for "Sephiroth vs Silent Hill"

stop making movies

By the way i think your gay this movie, was the lamest sh*t ive ever seen, worst voice over EVER and the only reference that made sense was meteor. Good day. Hire actors and try again.....nevermind dont. Again good day

fadedshadow responds:

hmm with a screen name like "youSuck132"...doesn't seem like you give many good reviews lol


Damn... nicely done. ahm there was that pendulum and... whats the other monster again... ? Anyway, this was a good mixage.

fadedshadow responds:

i believe it's a closer

Short and funny

"Son of a BITCH, this always happens to me."
I shall remember this quote for a long time indeed.

fadedshadow responds:

lol thank you, aeon

U R a genius man!!!!!!

You just combined my 2 favorite storylines into 1 laugh my ass out flash video props to you man!!!!

fadedshadow responds:

thank you :)

Where the hell did you get this idea?

Very nice, although I feel like the characters are too big; Sephiroth takes up like 80% of the screen, but perhaps that was your intention. Keep up the good work. Love the ridiculous ending, by the way.

fadedshadow responds:

thats kinda how i had it planned