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Reviews for "Dragons Are SO Halloween"


ok usually i like ur films but this 1 was kinda weird

I loved it.

I loved this movie it was great. Execpt for some parts but it still was very good.

I liked it!

I thought it was really funny, and the animation was done well. Except for a couple choppy sijations. But it was good.


Humor was really bad. Most of the jokes have been used a lot of times. I actually liked some of the animation but still you need to work a lot with lineart. Looks too choppy at some points. Subtitle humor just killed the flash to me. Try harder with animation, add a little bit more of effort into line traces and background coloring. And for the love of God no subtitle humor next time.

nalem responds:

Most of the jokes used alot of times? I'd like to know where you've heard "My God, it's static cling" before.

Plus there was no "subtitle" humor. Did you run out of things to say and borrowed the last review?

Not thrilling

The first part was good with the backstory of the Dragon and the tunic. But from the psycho shower scene onwards, the jokes were dumb and had bad timing. Animation was okay.

Oh yeah, and I don't know WHO started this trend (I'm looking at you, Legendary Frog) but please, please, PLEASE lose the unnecessary subtitles. It's distracting and contributes to bad comedic timing and makes the joke too obvious. If people can read the joke before it's done, it loses some of its shock effect, which is important in humour.

It's like you've permanently enabled "English subtitles for the hard of hearing". Do we need a description of every single sound effect? Most people can hear them. That's why we have speakers. Please make this feature optional in the future, if you decide to include it at all.

Also, I know that the subtitles themselves are tempting to make fun of (e.g. *hardcore fighting sounds*), but trust me on this:
Subtitle humour has been done to death, and is no longer as fresh and funny as it might once have been.

Sorry about the angry nature of this review. I'm just sick of the same tired LegendaryFrog-esque humour that seems to be so popular on Newgrounds. As I said, I liked the first part with the absurd dragon thing.


nalem responds:

Why is it one little thing happens everyone always has to point their fingers at Legendary Frog to blame?

I'm not a fan of the guy but just because I don't slap blood , killing, excessive swearing, and dick and fart jokes into a movie doesn't make me Legendary Frog. Oh yeah and Legendary Frog didn't invent lame humor. Crediting him with that is idiotic.

I added subtitles in case maybe if somebody has no speakers (i.e. if you're on a school computer) they usually never have speakers. Giving that credit to Legendary Frog is also idiotic.

Subtitle humor? Where? I don't know what "Subtitle" humor is. What? That the dragon's talking in his dragon language was translated? Because I don't see that as subtitle humor. I see that as translating speech with subtitles.

Wait... now reobserving your review you say "subtitles themselves are tempting to make fun of (e.g. hardcore fighting sounds*)" Um, that's making fun? Seems more like subtitling sound effects. If this is what you're getting at as "Subtitle" humor, than you need to buy a book and read up on what is and is not humorous.

Every line uttered in ths movie are the only lines I wrote in the bar is said inside this movie. Except for the dragon speech which was simply translated and for the subtitles which were mentioned. And the comment above seemed like the reviewer had nothing else to say so took your review.

Pfft. "Subtitle" humor.