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Reviews for "TTA Episode 058"

I didnot expect ... that

How the friking hell did kirb turn into a dragon!

holy shit



look I'm really enjoying this regardless of what the guys below me are saying, yeah, it resembles DBZ, it probably has some aspects of that ridiculous /.hack thing (personally I thought the one I seen on CN was way to talkative, and drawn out pointless, course it was on CN so whatever) point is, the guy is using sprites from like a hundred animes and games, that we've all seen before, music from the same concepts, and is still managing to make a story that is involving enough to keep us watching a good 60+ episodes. I say Quit your bitching enjoy the show and realize that all Anime is basically ripping itself off all the time anyway, how often do you see this story?

*Well drawn characters who look 12, sound 20, but are apparently in their mid teens, also their clothing is the only thing distinguishing their gender since for some reason Japan has to make all the males look like girls, and all the girls look more masculine than the males, they are almost always in some dumb school setting, mainly because if you don't force them to where school uniforms they lose the ability to dress themselves and ware something that even a 5 year old trying to dress himself for the first day of school would say is ridiculous, its either too many belts and useless straps floating in some unbeknownst manner or a polka dot top hat with bunny ears on the brim with more accessories than you would find at a hot topic run by teenagers suffering from ADHD, yet the more ridiculous the guy looks or the less clothing the chick is wearing the more serious and dark he hast to act, and the more powerful she has to be. WHY? and don't get me started on the powers or weapons they have to hold which defy both the laws of physics and the space time continuum.*

What I'm trying to say is this,
the guy is taking his own time to make a very entertaining flash animation using whatever limited skills and materials he is given, and over the course of time is doing all he can to keep from being repetitive and form a story out of what he knows, and if it does resemble some over hyped anime you've sold your soul too, then keep it to yourself, not everyone seen it or cares if anything he's giving a nice tribute to those shows, by fitting them into a fun story that we get to see for free and at our own disgression if you don't like it, then stop watching, and go back to your Death note DVDs and Naruto reruns, and leave the rest of us alone, not everyone can be Adam Phillips (he made Waterlollies)

HeHeHe nice!

Its Funny But You Put Merical Matter's Theme as the ultamate kirbphober15 Fight.