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Reviews for "TTA Episode 058"


thts all

Oh dear lord!

Ok. I didn't say anything when I saw you including aspects of the .dot//hack series in this movie series, nor did I speak when you put in some DBZ. But you have gone too far! That was the fu*cking dragon from DBZ if I've ever seen it! DBZ itself is a worthless piece of crap show, and to mix it with the ultimate RPG game of .dot//hack? Its sickening. I've enjoyed it up till now, it actually getting hard to watch because its becoming so darn predictable! I'll admit, I did not see the man baddie turn out this way but come on. I'll say something more when I near the end of this series.

Kinda interesting story, fighting was lame though

The screams and fighting parts were kinda dumb, otherwise, it was ok.

Could use some update from its old style

These types of flash entries have always had an interesting mistique about them, now while these types are not always the greatest or flashiest they bring something to the table, You have made it interesting and didnt bore me all that much so there is some good in them. Ok so with this one it was pretty interesting and with the whole click button to move along to the next scene that was ok, but thats more of the old style and you could revamp that to the more modern styles, and since its a movie remove the buttons to next scene and just let it flow like a movie would from scene to scene. Add some voices to the subtitle parts seems fitting since there is some animation going along with the subtitles. ok so the music was pretty good, but the flash was a let down due to the fact that you have to click to each new scene and ofcourse the real killer with there being no voice-ers, just some things to work on later. OK so seems like there was some time and effort put into this thats all fine and dandy but still i came across some thing that could be better, but overall it was a good flash entry and i can see it being upgrded for more enjoy for everyone watching.anyways nice job here.

Things to improve on that is the question here, now as i came across this fine entry there were alot of nifty things you put together but there are also ways, and ideas that this can progress to even better, I will try and suggest some ideas for a better production of this but it takes some effort on your end, but i believe with some extra effort you can bring out the best of this flash, now here are some ideas. So as said before, remove the next button option and just let it flow more like a movie, the next button is more of the old style of flash use and could use more modern styles besides the whole next button option just boggs down the flash. also the "VOICES" well there was none durring the subtitle parts you should add some voices for the subtitles,

Lost the originalitty.It's based off of DBZ now,and maybe some compartments of the sagas before were DBZs too.Boo.