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Reviews for "The Chat -2-"


I liked the originality of the piece, the idea of browsing chat channels in IRC is something some of us do but I never really thought of it as a possible flash topic.

I liked the music how it was all chilled, but also depressed to a degree, made the entire movie seem like a person was looking for something interesting and never found it. Well at least thats my interperatation.

Although I liked the concept the content although making perfect sense was pretty dull, if it wasnt for the theme (which I'm probably wrong about haha) nothing would have made a lot of sense. Other than the fact the movie was about scanning channels anyway. Maybe you could jazz it up a bit somehow, make it a little more interesting for the viewer as a whole.

Ice-Grunt responds:

Thanks for the Review! As I was saying in my previous response. Maybe when I get better with flash I'll make some interactive convo's!

I get it.

Everyone was saying stupid stuff the whole time I mean its almost as if you were saying people dont act like this but when they are on a computer its totally different. I gave it a 3, it was alright overall I like it i guess you can say. All I know is if you asked me what id change I if you made another one I guess I Xief would have to say maybe you can say somthing in the next one. ~Xief

Ice-Grunt responds:

Thanks for the review! An interesting idea... maybe when I get better with flash I can make it interactive, like you can select from a list what you can say... anyways thanks for the review!

Unorthodox Comedy

Kinda sh ort but it is very comical. Funny in some parts but the punchlines still need work. On some crucial jokes however by taking off oyur shirt and not your pants to go number 2.....now thats just retarded but I laughed my ass off!!!

Ice-Grunt responds:

Thanks for the review! The punchlines were not made by me. All of the things you saw there were quotes from those two sites I have mentioned.