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Reviews for "Final Defense: Last Stand"

Great concept, but its a little off-balance

It feels like its nearly impossible to survive because the enemies fire before you can even see them most times or as soon as you see them they are firing and you have no chance to defend yourself and then you spend all your money on repairs.

Maybe it was just my experience with it, but the bugs and balancing could use a little work. Great game other than that!

brilliant apart from the fact its dire sheez

This game is literally brilliant apart from the fact it is supremely difficult and it has a massive fault being that the enemies fire first so no matter what you do you are going to get hit (it is only difficult because of this), but it has the potential to be excellent although the interactivity and everything is great apart from that MASSIVE fault, unless of course you meant it like this but people new to the game have no chance of winning as they have no money in the bank and have to spend any money they do earn on repairing,
so please dear god this game is great and please fix this massive fault you wouldn't even have to change any of the gameplay just fix the fault and you could get great reviews or even better reviews and easily add alot to the score and make this sail into the 4's.
So please make the enemies not fire first or make the bullets fire faster and this game would not just be brill but funkin' A-M-A-Z-I-N-G


not so my type

not to good

the game was way to hard i couldnt even like get out of this buying sheet and the people were attacking me and the bullets go way to slow and it would be easier and better if u could like lock on because it is kinda hard to aim to cause theres is no aimer u just shoot

Ok game

The game was ok. Lots of typos though. Also I didn't like the graphics that much.
It seemed like the hard was easy and easy was hard to me. But the game is playable though! Try it if you haven't!