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Reviews for "Final Defense: Last Stand"

Good game, but..

I have to admit, i was kind of dissapointed that all I got from doing all the missions was the satisfaction of having done it - a reward of some type would have been nice.
I agree with a number of other reviews on here - the game gets really dull towards the end. The last four waves on the last level I never even faced - all I did was save upo some cash and hit the Time Advance button something like 750 times [seriously. My arm hurts a lot].
Plus, there's onr other thing. This might sound like a minor quibble, bt it nearly ruined the whole game for me - what i with the sound of the lasers? Honestly, the sound of six laser turrets firing together actually made me feel physical pain. It's horrible, exactly the right pitch to melt the insides of your ears. If you ever do an update, I would strongly suggest you change it.
However, despite all that, i did enjoy the game. I mean, I played it right through, rather than just clicking of ater a couple of minutes, so it coldn't have ben al bad! The general conceit was well executed and well thoguht out, and the basic concepts were fun. Some of the designs were pure genius as well - I really liked the battering ram and troop transports, and tohught they really made interesting additions to the enemikes, rather than just following the old path of biggr, more destructive tanks with more armour like nearly everyone else is donig.
All in all, nice try. i'll definately keep my eyes open for a sequel...but, at the same time, i won't lose any sleep if there isn't one.

its alright

i didnt play but 2 levels but that was enough to turn me away lol if u get into it u'll enjoy it alot more but if u dont its a horrible way to waste ur time


Darn was going to submit my 5 billion score and it seems ranking isnt working.

Use the spacebar

The space bar activates the sheild.
One of the levels took to long. I think it would be nice if what ever you build in one zone carries over.

its ok but

it is way to easy