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Reviews for "The Rush Dance"

shake it rush!

it was fun to watch but short .
evan though it was a crule thing to say it
i dont think he desrved the Goatse Award for it
i can think MANY OTHERS who desrved it A LOT MORE.

Kalapusa responds:

I thought so too... even considered not giving him the Goatse Award. Unlike certain other people, he isn't directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands...

But then I thought: "Hell, I can make up other awards for those people!"

Rolvbw, keep politics out of this.

Graphics: Nice try for video, but still pretty weak quality. Only major problem.
Style: Very original.
Sound: Phat beats, as the saying goes.
Violence: None. Though I sure wish I could beat the crap out of Rush.
Interactivity: Press play.
Humor: Uh, this one is obvious.

PS. To any moron stupid enough to justify what Rush said:

Fox was on meds. In fact, taking meds for Parkinson's does exactly what Fox did in his ads: he twitches, spazzes out, etc. So unless Rush has or gets an MD, he can shove his head up his ass.

Better luck next time.

The artistic end: The animation was not bad; I think you’ll definitely improve with time and practice.

The message: Crap. To everyone who is familiar with this current event in the news ….. make sure you know the facts. It states in Michael Fox’s book that he would not take his medications before some interviews to exaggerate the symptoms of Parkinson’s. This in turn would let people see the ill effects of the disease. This comment stems from a commercial Fox did for the Democratic Party. Rush mentioned that his symptoms seemed exaggerated due to reason listed above. Once you enter the political arena, don’t be surprised when you become the target criticism. Additionally Kalapusa, do your homework next time. There are certainly other things out there you could rightfully make fun of Mr. Limbaugh for doing and saying. But I’ll admit it, I enjoy listening to him every now and then.

Kalapusa responds:

1. Rush accused Fox of not taking his meds to "exaggerate" the effects of the disease. The symptoms shown in the ad were the symptoms of the medication. If he didn't take his meds, he probably wouldn't be able to talk. So Rush was not just an ass, but he apparently didn't "do his homework".

2. "This in turn would let people see the ill effects of the disease" I guess that wouldn't be "exaggerating", huh? Why should he try to hide the effects when talking about what he is going through? Why does the public have to get a watered-down description of everything affected by our policy makers?

3. Right-wing talking heads are so used to attacking the messenger that they hate it when someone like Fox comes out and says something. There would have been no controversy if Rush simply said something along the likes of: "I have sympathy for Fox, but he's wrong because blah blah blah". Then again, that wouldn't be Rush and then his army of idiots wouldn't listen to him.

Better Luck next time, Rolvbw.

i think rush is of his meds

good job someone needed to make a video makeing fun of that fat pig


new trend new trend new trend!

dude! what you got there can be possibly be the new numa numa, or whatever you wanna call it!


also, your movie made me laugh out loud. a lot. xD