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Reviews for "(Naruto) Friend in Tobi"

That was pretty good.

I find this to be very cute and humorous at the same time. Do you know Snowdragon? cause I think you almost have the exact style as her animations. I'm just only saying. anyways, great job on this.

Puffsgain responds:

I would say my style is -entirely- different to Snowdragons. Just because I animate to Naruto, doesn't mean it's the same. My ideas are original and my own.

Thanks for the review! Glad you liked it! :)

way better than i expected

I really thought it was gonna be some cheesy noob anime video, but I was surprised by how good the animation was. Good sound quality, smooth animation and funny story. I dig it.


I liked this:D Poor Deidara..

Can it be?

Someone who actually knows who Tobi is? Sweet!
Glorious hallelujah aside, it's nice to see some good (and rather amusing) animation in the cesspool that is the new submissions. Keep up the good work!

Tobi is a good boy. Rly.

I like it, this flash is probably the best I've ever seen. Looking forward to more flash movies made from you.

Actually, screw this. I was forced into reviewing this movie out of moral obligation. :/ I hate you Puffs. XD

Puffsgain responds:

XD <---- All I have to say. :3