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Reviews for "Growth Homicide"

Great Game!

I'm feeling a little under the weather, so while I'd normally write this review all flamboyantly, I'm just going to tell you what I liked, and suggestions for improving it.

What I liked: First of all, the music is bloody brilliant. Absolutely LOVED it. The only thing I would change to give the Sound category a 10 is perhaps some sound effects. Not for the laser, though, because after a while that would just become annoying. The style is pretty interesting, and the gameplay was fun, although lacking variety. Damn, do those things keep coming at you. My wrist hurts from the effort :) . Anyway, your game makes it so you can't stop paying attention for a second, and that's a good thing. Oh, I also liked how you get to choose between getting points added to your score, or cash. Reminded me of Dirge of Cerberus.

Suggestions: First and foremost, when a level is over, make us press enter or something before you go the shop. I bought too many things I DIDN'T want to buy, because there's no warning when the level is over. All of a sudden, the baddies are gone, and I'm rampantly clicking the "+10" laser size button, or converting more score to cash than I'd like to do. Definitely add that in. Another thing I'd do is depower the Wave attack. All you really have to do is save 1200 cash and buy it, and then you just click the mouse every now and then to eliminate all the enemies. It makes the game WAY too easy at that point. Oh, it'd also be nice if we could upgrade the shield without having to lose it first. Just a thought. Finally, the graphics need a little tweaking, make em a bit more polished. Escpecially the menu, it just looks rushed and...unspecial.

Ultimately, it was a very fun game, and I played it for a good 5 or 10 minutes, which is long considering my attention span. Just clean it up a bit, and I actually think you have some FP material here.

Over-Kill responds:

Thanks for the review!
I'll update the game soon with those ideas. THanks.

Very nicely done game

It's really nice to come to NG day after day and slog through the recent portal entries then discover this! It is a nicely done game that reminds me of a top down missile command. With a little polish, you could enter it IGF or the Serious Games Summit or Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker competition.

Besides the game play, I was really impressed that the theme was not about some kid in a school yard fending off his buddies or a space ship fending off aliens. Those themes are just too overused. By building it around some kind of weird crap that is going on in someone's body, it opens up many more possiblities. (Which is why the nod to Serious Games. I don't play them, but if I was a kid dying of cancer in a hospital somewhere, I sure as hell would love to play a game like this to make me feel less defenseless.)

If you were going to add stuff- maybe more detailed microbe enemies, bigger bosses, something that comes down the arteries in the background might be nice. A very limited "kill all on screen button" like Defender would be cool. maybe even some kind of preview so you can see some big ass thing getting ready to attack you which would of course make you take your eyes off the task at hand.

If there are any weak spots, I'd say it was in the difficulty level- it seemed very very gradual, almost static. Mouse sensitivity was also kinda slow compared to other games (though I'm not sure you're trying to control that)

So do some polish, and pimp the game as the best damn cancer fighting thing out there!

Over-Kill responds:

Thanks for the review!
In fact the cells graphics are being redone to look kick ass.
I thought of teh "nuke" type weapon taht kills everything on the screen but thought against it sinse those weapons always turn out to be very cheap game spoilers.
Thanks again i'll look into what you said.

Great game, still playing it

Overall I like it, but you could of added different music, more enemies, a level counter, and many other things. I'm still playing it, but the PWR Wave is making it too easy..

Over-Kill responds:

The PWR wave is the ultimate weapon in the game. If you find it too easy play on hard.

Very nice, but you can do better.

Very nice, but not your 100% effort.

Over-Kill responds:

Not my 100% effort?
Any idea's to improve on it?