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Reviews for "Naruto-The REAL Akatsuki"

hey theres like sumthin wrong

how come when durin the show,at the part where kisame and deidara was talkin,like i accidently cliked the pepsi bottle and the scene changed to deidara dreamin,then i got back to the play menu.and after tat,a brick game thing started.WTF is goin on?!?
(oh yea nice show:))

TheNitro responds:

D: eep, that glitch is still on there? Gah I've been trying to get rid of that thing forever, but it keeps COMING BACK DD:

Awsome dude.

i really loved this movie but some of the scences were alittle to long.

I really hope you make this a series. :D


That was really great!

the graphic and animations was really nice, and the flash movie
was long(thats a good thing)

the w.o.w. part was funny :D
keep up the marvelous work ;D


omg 2 reasons why i loved this!!!
it took 5 minutes to load and was about 8 minutes!!
and 2 it was hilarioous!! and i bet i spelled that wrong


It was good but maybe a little bit more on the drawing next time?The humour's there thought so im giving a good 8 out of 10.Keep up the good work and put more time on the graphic.