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Reviews for "Snakes on a Plane-TRAILER"

Funnyest thing on ng

u read my title u get same review ^_^
this truely is hiiiilarious
u have the comedic genius that surpasses alot of comedians, cos lets face it, some comedians just fikking suck,not saying you suck, but that was damn funny, i give you my 5 raising its score from 4.2839 to 4.2841muhahaha, you can take a shitty movie and point and jab it with a funny, erm, pointy thing, until its dried up and shrivelled, making other stuff about the same thing just not funny. yehaa!


Well, I'm not American or English (I don't speak english at all), so I didn't understand some texts, but I got the idea, it was great

"Bears on a Train" and "Bugs on the Windshield", HAHAHAHHAHAHA

an 8 for you



Best Parody ever!!

Okay, usually I do a sort of pros and cons layout but this time, I don't have to because theres nothing bad about it!!
I absolutely loved the sound in the backround and the graphcs weren't that great but who cares? This movie was awesome!!

"Either there are snakes on a plane or we're in Paros Hilton's Vagina"
"I say, that isn't a good title for a movie."
"Did you hear the one about the snake and the rabbi" "Yea." "Oh"
"Hi my name is: Samuel L. Jackson."
"If your going to watch 5 movies about snakes on a plane, whatch this one 3rd."
"Featuring Oscar winners, Snakes. And, the Plane."
"Is that a snake in you pants or do you just have a really long penis?"
"Watch it tommorow. Or today, unless we haven't past August 18th."

I was laughing my head the whole way through! I loved everthying about this movie even the loading screen. Can't wait until you make fun of yet another movie which is about to released. This was awesome!!

Funny as!

Warning: This review contains no useful help. Just praise.

That was really, really, really funny parody!!!

I laughed at nearly all the Samuel Jackson parts and espically the british accented snakes... dang I loved that!

I even loved the loading screen!