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Reviews for "Madness Elimination 2"


i think this has already been addressed but guns r nice but thats rather unoriganal with the deaths, just a guy shooting everything. It was just as bland as the amount of times u cut and paste what your going to do for your next animation on every review.

Splurgle responds:

All I can say is thanks.


it was pretty shor, nothing new just plain old madness. thats good but krinkles trys to add a new weapon or new move to his movies so try on that. i didnt like how some of the morons just sat there instead of jumping the eliminator. i mean there was like 8 in one scene but only 2 were actually fighting. you should really plan out how all eight of them are gonna attack the one guy. like maybe one jumps in the back of another and in midair shoots the main guy.

Splurgle responds:


i agree with last guy

plus i also think that instead of havin 5 guards in there waitin for there turn to fight they should attack alot faster. like the guys in the back just sit there till they are about to be shot, then they get shot so it makes it very dull in my mind. and i gave u a low score for style because this isnt ur charater design. yes u drew it but thats like drawin santa claus and being like yea i made him up!(not sayin thats what u said just givin an example) so yea my thoughts.
make it alot more action based like have ppl drop from roofs and come in doors instead of just standin there.
finish up the next ones then start ur own charater project. make it so ppl copy YOUR ideas not the other way around

ill give it a 3/5 :)

Splurgle responds:


about the gaurds...

This was pretty good. The only thing i think needs work is how..erm...fluid the character movement is, and give more gaurds guns. I mean hank had to go against quite a few people with guns. Most of the guards in this flash were carrying just melee weapons. I think the only other thing this flash could use, was creativity with the kills. that is all.

Splurgle responds:


Not bad

My main criticism of you is that you desperatley need to learn how to accept constuctive criticism. You'll probably respond to this review with something along the lines of "You are just jealous because I got front page".

I wouldn't begrudge anyone getting front page but seriously, grow the fuck up. Your animation shows an understanding of flash but no originality. You must realise that this got front page because of the success of the original madness series.

I'm not trying to sound like a wanker because your flash was quite well put together and is a fairly good homage to Krinkels but stop taking every piece of criticism as a personal attack against yourself. People are allowed to criticise and as an artist you should welcome it. It means you can make your next movie even better by trying to improve and make sure there are less critics next time you submit.

Splurgle responds:

K, thanks for your advice.

I just HAVE to post this:

Elimination 3 is going to include:
-Massive 2 floor airplane slaughter.
-Guaranteed harder enemies.
-Guaranteed better animation with more realism.
-Car chase, roadkill.
-Explosives plus an off road 1 on 1 plus a hell of alot of agents in a field.
-Theme: Korea.
-More guns.
-A shitload more blood.
-Better music.