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Reviews for "Forsaken Neon"

its good

but i don't like it how you made the pauses in the song. it made it seem like it was the end of the song and then a nother one started. did not give it a good feal to the whole thing.

I'll give you 2 stars for the filler that you put in here, but this is just a techno "remake" of two Children of Bodom songs. You start off with the part from Bodom After Midnight and then at 1:06 you grabbed the part from Taste of My Scythe. Then you transition back to the part from Bodom After Midnight. Both of these songs are from the same album by them. The chance of that happening by accident/random is impossible; which means you fully realized what you were doing. You lost 3 stars by not making any effort to give credit to them.

This isn't bad at all, it sounds great the way you did it, but you should really be crediting those songs and the band itself. Without doing that you're giving me, the listener, the impression that you're trying to pass off something that you copied as something that you created 100% by yourself. The Licensing Terms over on the side is also pretty shitty in regards to using the Children of Bodom melodies. I mean why should I give credit to you when you're not giving credit to them?


This song needs more life to it, more sound varieties. ALSO TOO SHORT>

The melody is bland, forgettable, random and unemotional. The mixing could be improved. The sections don't go together and sound too different and the transitions are awkward. The drums are weak and not varied enough. There's not enough reverb. The main synth is painful to hear. It all sounds empty.

I can't find anything in this song that I find good or satisfying in any way, nor can I understand how people could like it.

Although, this was made in 2005 so I can understand why.

Time to get spammed with angry reactions from people who don't care that I have an opinion!


nice song though.