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Reviews for "Heroes Of The Lost Valley"

Reminds me of Narnia

I was confused throughout the entire thing, but I liked it nonetheless. Very nice animation, sound, and narrative.

Blaze responds:

Its kinda confusing. :D But thanks for the review and the headsup!


2 things i lke this flash is the quality and sound,but it's ironic that 2 people and elf show form knowhere and then everything went fast..
makes it pointless but worthwhile 2 watch
(P.s,where is the so call "ancient rock"?,[didn't see any])

Blaze responds:

Ask Rhapsody. They are the ones that created the lyrics (i couldnt draw any eitherway). :P

Anyway, yes, its a bit random or confusing, if you may call it that. Thanks though!


its good
i like it but it could be better

Blaze responds:

CAre to tell me how i could make it better?


Rhapsody rock

I love rhapsody and your video is very good, but there is so many good songs of rhapsody, why did you choosed this one? lol nice job, keep on good work

Blaze responds:

Because, it was short. :D And yes they DO rock! Expect more videos from their music from me.

Thanks for your input! I appreciate it a lot.


GO Rhapsody. i loved it!!!!

Blaze responds:


They DO rock.