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Reviews for "The Promise of Home"


That kid is in an almost perpetual smile. it creeps me out! when you cry, you don't smile! when you are abandoned on the riverside or your village is burned down, you dont flash all yor teeth happily!

and wtf... why is a "sailor" rowing?

My mom died when I was three so I couldn't connect

I couldn't sit through the whole movie, mainly cause it was about a little boy and his mother. I lost my mother when I was 3 so I really didn't feel the maternal love the was the basis of this movie. So nothing personal, it was me not you.
Also I like your choose of music in flashes but I hated how you reuse the music. And the graphics could have used just a tiny bit of improvements, espeacly the crying animations.

Well... Where to start?

I watched it twice, wrote down about 15 mistakes, and these were the ones that I thought had the most impact on the story. It just wasn't right, man.
-When the mother and the little boy were being transported, it appeared as though the mother's kiss to the little boy was more mouth to mouth, like they were making out. It wasn't really that great of an animation.
-When the boy is having his little spurt of anger, the dialogue is something like this: "At that moment, I became really angry at my mother, and said, 'We will.'" For a spurt of anger, all the little guy can say is "We will"? Sorry man, just didn't work out.
-The little boy is talking in narration and he says "...hear was your voice". So, he heard OUR voice?
-They're homes are bombed, they loose their father/husband and son/brother, and yet they are suddenly "the happiest people on earth"? Better choice of words, man, that just did NOT fit the story.
-Last but DEFINITLY not least, if your going to tell a story with a flash, at least use proper grammar. It made me CRY that you had so many grammatical errors. A man of your flash talent should at least check over his work when he's done, because there was at least 20 times you forgot to capitalize the first letter of a sentance.

Now that I've finished that, it seems theres so much to go on about. If you had sound in your animation, there would not have been reason to have to stare at the bottom of the picture the entire time, reading the story like a picture book. Also, why the same song all the way through? And why such a delay between sequences where the song was playing?

This just didn't really cut it for me. You had an absolutely beautiful animation going on, and then you chop it up with bad grammar and a dialogue that could've used some work. Also, the whole thing was just to... Unreal, for my taste.

One last thing: I bet a lot of people are going to read this and think "Fuck you, this was amazing," but it wasn't amazing to me. And a note to Infernix: If Newgrounds doesn't need soppy Chinese stories, then what DOES it need?

Work harder, dude.


1001 wishes was better

the music kept cutting out on this one. and i think the other one had a better story.


it made me cry