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Reviews for "Pico Sim Date"

Good Game, With Some Flaws

I enjoyed this game. It took me a couple of attempts to complete it, but the fact that I continued to try should be evidence that it is a pretty fun game.

There were a few logic flaws with the questions that Nene Chow asks. For example she says that she is a Capricorn, but also later says that she was born on August 17th. I believe the email address question also has a typo which makes it tricky to answer correctly.

My biggest complaint about the game, is probably also its' strength in a way. It takes quite a few attempts to get Nene to reveal all the answers to her questions before you can successfully complete the date. Unless you use the answer guides provided in the review, you may find the 2 chances you get to date her a little frustrating.

Another minor complaint is the strength attribute. It is completely possible to pass the game with only one strength point, since any combats you may face can rely on MP which comes from intelligence (which also plays a vital role in your earnings).

Overall a good game. Recommended.

Great game!!!

It was a great game, but it was too easy and where is the ending? He doesn't even get to nail her after all that trouble

Love it!

I Love this Game!! Its easy too!!

Awesome, just a bit easy

As i said above it is easy i finished with...

Realationship: 2407.14

Money: 2176

Charm: MAXED

Intelligence: MAXED

And there is a glitch that even with 250 strength (max) when you fight the emo's you still gain strength so i had 362 strength


Please do not read if you don't want to spoil the game!

Put all of your points to intelligence

Power study, ask for promotion, work repeat Keep doing this untill you have full intelligence (250)

After you have full intelligence you power drink all day untill you get low money at 40 or 80 health then work the rest of the day and do this til you have full charm Also REMEMBER TO ASK FOR PROMOTION EVERYDAY!

Than exact same thing as intelligence part except do it with power workout untill you have at least 200 or you can go to 250

Then the game gets easy...

First get "close" to Nene by hitting on her once your able to introduce yourself you can buy her flashes and ONLY buy her <3 flashes

Soon enough you can get her e-mail which isn't extremely important

Once you can go out with her DO NOT immediately go out keep on talking to her and figuring out things about her but here's a list

Nene Chow
email: Sexay_Nene08426@hotmail . com
Waist: 53
Breast: 78
Hip: 83
Horror Movie: Into the Shadows
Likes to shop at M Bottlers
Aug 17
Clothing label: Dremio
Works at Clerk
IQ: 133
Can't stand staying home
Height: 165 cm
Fav Band Instanitous

P.S. This is not a full list though this is only most of the things about her

Ok now before you go on a date but 2 <3 flashes now hit on Nene and select date

First you have to talk to her and answer questions like how many annoying brothers she has and it is 2 so you find which on it is and it says
4. 2 brothers: Than you type in 4 as your answer

Once you can't talk anymore give her the 2 <3 flashes than you should be able to take a photo and if you have 100% (Maybe 95%) than you can kiss her.

You can go on 3 dates and 2 of those must be succesful (You must kiss Nene) or else she'll reject you when you ask her to the dance

Once you go on 3 dates if you have had 2 succesful dates she'll say yes and during the dance cyclops (Sound familiar from pico's school?) A.K.A. the Emo Boss will kidnap Nene and you'll have to fight him. Just keep on blamming him and you'll be fine.

Oh yeah and do the same thing when you fight the emos

Congrats! You have beet the game!

Now just beet Pico Sim Date 2

P.S. Pico Jr. is actully Tom Fulp in dequise

I thank GameBeater456 for the answers to the questions

Any questions pm me

Pretty But Somethings Wrong

I Like It But WTF!!!??? Nene CANT Be A Stranger! This Is A Mistake