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Reviews for "1388"

Thought that was Mr Stick for a second lol

Wow, you captured the style so well!

I love

"Howdy howdy howdy! The name's Wes Weasley, selling is my game!"
"Oh my [PEPIS]! You're a vendor just like me?!?! I'll be [?!$@#!?]"
"You betcha! I work for the H.D.S.V.A.D.L, the Handy Dandy Super Villain Appliance Distributors Limited! Whaddaya do, whaddaya do, new friend of mine?"
"Not as great as you...my game was spam calls and emails back in [the great year 1997]."
"Ah, never fear, never fear! We're about the same! (Even if we have the same amount of bad luck.) By the way, I do so looove your outfit!"
"Thank you, you [adorably weasely] salesman! Say, what's that [thingamabob]? Want me to help you sell it?"
"It's my latest and greatest invention, the de-atomizer! Makes the target disappear without a trace! Though I've had a bit of trouble selling it to Doctor Ivo Robotnik. A bit stingy and a glutton, I'll say-"
"Then allow me! I'll make sure that [rotund rapscallion] turns into a [returning customer!]"

Spamton looks too good in this art style :3