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Reviews for "Milosevic - a Tribute"

fuck him

that fucked up motherfucker deserved to die. He was the hitler of our generation. He wiped out an entire nation and you making a tribute. I hope that it was ment to be his death as a good thing not his life. But if not fuck you and fuck him and his family.

dude... dont make a tribute like that

man, you dont make a tribute entirely out of pic ripped off google or something, it will get your art work blammed so fast and so quick. i mean if it had your own stuff, maybe art work or animation, it COULD be better

Screw you, retard!!!

Mirios is completely correct. Idotic killers do not deserve to be called "heroes". You are such a stupid queef, because if you took the time to research him, you would called him an idiot! I would know because I am from Serbia - look at the name on my profile
Vid Jovanovic??? I know that because of him and maybe Tito, Serbia hit rock bottom, and seperated from Crotai, Bosnia, and Hrvatska - You are just a mindless fucker who has no clue about politics whatsoever!!! Scre you - Mark X :(

One less...

...murdering, raping, killing barbarian in this world. I have to say, I am not glad that he is dead, just glad that he will never be able to torture, kill, and slaughter anyone again. May he burn in hell and may his family reap the benifits of having a dishonorable wrech like him as a family namesake. This shit stains the internet and the world.

If this was satire, it was pretty awful.

I don't think this was even intended as a satirical short, just some sick kid's idea of a joke. Either way, it wasn't funny or done properly.