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Reviews for "Milosevic - a Tribute"

A Pretty Good Tribute


The music was pretty good in this flash, and the pictures, and style of this flash were pretty good, too. I like the fading effects! The ending was pretty good, too.


Well, no offense intended, but who is Milosevic? Is he some kind of political person (just a guess, judging by the pictures). And... yeah, that's about it, I guess.


Nice Tribute, it was good.

This was a good tribute. The music set the mood, and the pictures went along with it. However the Smileys on people's faces was a bit odd for a tribute. I truthfully don't know who Milosevic is. I'm guessing that he is a politacal figure. Overall, I'd say this was good.
You might want to get rid of the smileys.

So some people didn't get it...

... it's not a real tribute, it's a satire on a tribute. Bravo to that, though I think it's a little to cerebral to the masses of high schoolers on this site. But the flash did suck, playing out like a Powerpoint presentation, and it was way too long, taking forever to get to the point (which is how some people missed it, they likely didn't watch the whole thing). Poli Sci students may find this amusing though.

Good idea, wrong place for it

Seeing as the vast majority of people on this site are between 11 and 15, most viewers probably didn't get it. It took way too long to get to the punchline and I'm sure that most people here have no clue what it's about. Fortunately for me, I had to write a paper on kosovo a couple years back and it gave me a chuckle.


Milosevic was the president of Serbia who caused the wars in jugoslavia, during which millions of people were deported and killed. Because of him innocent civilians were slaughtered and an entire region was destroyed by bombs.

So a tribute to him is, like a tribute to Adolf Hitler, most questionable.

Stupid Americunts, donĀ“t you learn anything in history?

The review itself was well made, it fitted, but it still is a tribute to a mass-murderer...