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Reviews for "South Park Kenny Dress Up"

Okay, but not great

This was okay... some more options for clothing would have been nice. Also, it was kind of (this isn't a big complaint) KIND OF hard to fit the clothes on to Kenny sometimes. You had to fit it just right on to him. It doesn't really matter though. The graphics were okay, there was a some style... this might just be a complaint from me, but a button to turn the music back on would have been nice.

Anyway, nice job.

blueyedguy responds:

Thanks for the review
I know some of the clothes didn't fit i'm sorry about that mate


I like how he had an outfit where you could see his face and the different colors of his original outfit. I think you could have put more varieties with his outfits and I didn't like the song so much but at least you had a stop button. Overall I thought it was decent. 3/5

blueyedguy responds:

Hmmmm thanks for the review im actualy thinking of changing the music.

doesn't fit

the outfits doesn't fit or maybe i'm to drunk to get them fit:P

blueyedguy responds:

Yer agree some of the outfits don't fit propaly I'm sorry about that

Not that good

Sorry, but this really isn't that good. Dress up games just arent entertaining.

blueyedguy responds:

Ok fanx anywayz

NICe music


blueyedguy responds:

That really wasn't the song but thanks anyway lol