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Reviews for "Foamy, The Making of"

Grow Up

Can't anybody just grow up? I evolved past visiting this website religiously about a year ago. I go on every once in a while to check out new stuff. You people are still making slightly varied versions of the EXACT SAME FLASH CARTOONS! No new subjects; NOTHING! I am past the point of taking sides in the matter now, but can you please start putting yur energy towards something productive! Maybe, just maybe, when this pretentious, unorigional, wannabe bullshit is willingly removed from this website, it will be worth wandering anywear on newgrounds but the first page. You may think you are accomplishing something... *Knock knock* time to wake up. All this internet faux-war scum is the reason why everybody in this country is so goddamn apathetic. Take a good, hard look at the world around you. Eliminating Foamy is not as important as abolishing the Sudanese genocide of Darfur, or shutting down Guantanamo Bay.

The usual boring hate flash against someone

Ok am not a psychotic fan of foamy but I have to point out that almost off of the people who complain about illwillpress cant animate for shit themselves.

E.g. Most of the clock crew movies that are coming into the portal now are a waste of time. Almost every single one of the movies bitching about IWP is a pointless waste of time too.

All it's doing is giving IWP more exposure and making you all looking like complete idiots who have absolutely no life. It wont get him thrown off the portal becaus eif stuff like that did Clock Crew would be banned by now. But instead Tom made a very humerous gallery dedicated to all the spoofs about how much people hate clock crew.

And as for the criteria specified in this movie. Try comparing some of them to your own movies. And for the love of fucking god. Stop with screen reader voices, it's getting SERIOUSLY boring now. The symbols insead of eyes gimmick has now been worn so thin that I can actually see daylight through it. Please think up something new and original because right now you're just digging a bigger and bigger hole for yourselves.

And btw: my final stand poin which none of you seem to get these days. If you are looking for a job in flash what are you going to show your employers? The stuff on here is a load of shit to be honest. And if your not looking for a career in flash then, to be honest, why are you wasting your time using it?

TremcladClock responds:

You don't understand, it's not about the simplicity of Illwill's cartoons anymore, it's about the racism and bigotry.


its just PURE CHANCE that he has a 3.7 batting average? Random luck that he has fans? His movies aren't the greatest ever, but at least he has the self respect not to go attacking other animators just because he doesn't like their movies. Jealous, much?

TremcladClock responds:

It IS random luck, Illwill joined NG when it was a lot easier to get high scores, and why would I be jealous of an author who's a huge racist and bigot? and why did this movie score so much higher than his?

I know what your point is...

....and I have no problem with people taking shots at illwillpress, even though I'm a fan. But this....well let's put some effort into it, shall we? You're failing to understand that it's the final product that's important....not the process that was used to achieve it. Now take what little energy it took to make this turd and make something entertaining. Oh, and one last thing; the stupid, annoying, un-funny computer voices that all you clock/lock/glock people use....they suck and it's getting old. But it's probably just part of your "artistic style", right?


So I have to ask, what IS your problem with illwillpress? So he doesnt spend hours and hours into the drawings for his flash? Big deal, Ive seen tons of artists on here talk about how they spent 3 weeks with a 5 minute animation and it turns out to be crap. Sometimes less really is more. Thats why his stuff is good.

Ive seen a number of your submissions. What makes your crap any better than his? Other than your ripping off his style. So that just makes you a hypocrite. Stop being troll and move on. Do something of your own design and stop bashing all those that manage to get a bit of fame. So while your reading this and making some stupid reply about how I dont agree with your view's Im going to buy another Foamy shirt. Why? Because he's good enough to market in real stores. You'll never see any of your clock stuff in any other area except right here.

TremcladClock responds:

My "crap" is vastly superior to his for the following reasons:

A) I'm not a sellout
B) I'm not a racist
C) I spent more than 30 seconds drawing my chracter
D) A number of my movies have propper lip syncing
E) I don't manipulate weak hearted users with sexual innuendo

In conclusion, marketing your merchandise in a store has nothing to do with how good you are, anyone can sell merchandise via a retailer such as Hot Topic, the Clock Crew has never tried this, seeing as it's illegal to distribute Clock Crew products, on account of the genre being forged by multiple authors.