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Reviews for "Dead Part 1"

Great Work

This movie should be on first page!
Good Luck with Part 2

JimmySavage responds:

This movie should already be above "Littlefoot" in all-time top scoring. Thanks for the good review and I hope it does make front page.

Get the damn camera away from his face.

A little story I made up just now. He's a reporter with his filming crew (mr. dead body, everyone applaud) when he crashes he gets the camera and shoves it in his face and starts to talk about what happened but, no audio tape or anything so we don't hear much. He looks around and goes blaire witch with his recording and looks around and see's the zombie, he ducks by the car and begins reporting on the scene and the zombies like "Dude shut up I'm eating." And he goes "fuck" and the zombie offended by his harsh words attacks him. Feeling threatened our hero grabs a bar he had in his car and beats the living daylights out of mr dead body who can move (More applause) our hero scopes the land and the film runs out.

... Your right, I don't know where that came from, seriously though, I get a heavy blaire witch feel from it, and I love the animation style, I just thought it was seriously slow when it panned on his face. I know you tried to build suspense but theres a line between on the edge of your seat and annoyed at the lack of movement other then his eyes. Anyway can't wait for part two, see you when it comes out ^^

JimmySavage responds:

You forgot a couple "now, now, see here"s and "I say, I say"s. You need to slow down that mind of yours. Take up marijuanna or ecstasy for a month or two, just enough to permanently damage your serotonin neurons. You won't really care about anything. Nice, huh? .. At times it was hard to imagine myself watching the animation for the first time. Hard to judge timing sometimes. I'll try to keep up the flow for the second one. Thanks for the high score.


I liked it. Simple and sweet.

Zombies thoughts
"MmmMmmmm scaaaaalp."

Do better on color and sound?

The monotone color and great use of silent communication was clever. Pretty appropraite and I'm looking forward to any sequals to this submition.

Pretty darn good

The use of no colour was pretty interesting and I thought it worked rather well, being the first part the story there is no idea of what is going on with the story so it will be interesting to see how it unfolds.