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Reviews for "Wheat Germ Pizza"


This was hilarious. If I were that guy, I'd curse back. XD

He didn't even respnd to the name calling and swearing. He had a lot of patience. Good work.

1Dizmal1 responds:

he wud prob get fired or sumthing :P:P:P

I Lol'ed :D

The other guy was in a starbucks and he was saying they made pizza. WTF :O

1Dizmal1 responds:

and he didnt know what wheat germ was xD

Very Funny!

You must take time and listen carefully, remember this is a prank call, i found it very funny ... shame I have a feeling this may get BLAMMED even though it should'nt

1Dizmal1 responds:

it wont ;)

Heh, I love a good prank call.

Nice job man, I never once thought about the clock crew doing a prank call, very original.

1Dizmal1 responds:

indeed i have the firs clock crew prank call! if you would please click add to collection thewn click clock crew and it may get into the NG collections Thanks!!


Hahaha, it's funny listening to Microsoft Sam insulting people.
Wasn't a good animation or anything, but it made me laugh, and that's all that matters, good job ^_^.

So, this was 100% real? That's cool.

1Dizmal1 responds:

Yuppers its not the graphics or anything its if it makes you laugh and you like it, thanks man xD