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Reviews for "Glock Talk"


I could go on about how you could improve on this flash by focusing more on what is an abusive/stupid/uneeded review by reviewers as well as replies by authors.

However I think that you killed your flash a bit by flamming some reviewer out of the ballpark. You could have made more effort into giving reasons as to why saying crap in reviews/replies by authors is annoying.

By making it more about -dumbass- here you obviously made a funny flash and touched on it but I think of it as kinda petty in a way.

Overall good job though, though. I liked how the flash gave multiple examples, though they were all related to the same guy. Ending could have been more original or better done; or both.

TremcladClock responds:

Well, you, personally have never made a movie, so offering constructive critisism seems kind of futile. You most likely have never communicated with BlueToken, so you don't know what kind of a person he is, he deserves to be centered out and brought attention to.

lmfao this is great

Insulting people who suck at reviewing is really fun :)

Good job, Tremclad

TremcladClock responds:


Thank you for teaching me that!

That is a very good moral to abusive reviews. I don't like the killing part, though, but this was still awesome. And this reminds me of this: I report abusive reviews! So for abusive reviewers, do me a favor and please don't post abusive reviews. I'm begging you! I don't care how upset you are, please use constructive critism instead. It's better than abusive reviews. I'm being nice about it. Anyway, you are going to my favorites as well as other users are doing so. You guys are awesome. You rock!

TremcladClock responds:



That was awesome, I know what you mean about the bad reviewers.

Fo Fizzle.

Great, it cool!

TremcladClock responds:

It cool indeed.