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Reviews for "Get it off!"

I like it

Youve got a cool style, maybe a little sound, and....idk.

back from the dead and back good

Quite funny, but also short and this flash is dying for some sound effects. I knew it was without sound, but I just couldn't stop checking my speakers, becoz it really feels like it's supposed to have sound. So please add some sound.

not bad...

could used more humor

Deserves a chance

I like your animation style. A few sounds would have been nice. The whole thing was a bit short, but a bigger project would be worth it.
I'd like to see more from you.

nice, but needs sound

Awsome graphics, and I like your style, but some suitable sound effects could boost the score up by at least 0.5 of a rating, which could make a lot of difference on Newgrounds.

Overall, quite nice, and I hope to see more flash from you.