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Reviews for "sheepfleece"

I dunno man...

I didn't really enjoy this much at all. I mean, the graphics and animation were pretty good, but I didn't find it funny. The worst part was the voices. Although they were clear, the dialect you chose made me cringe.

good animation, poor humor

is this supposed to be making fun of seinfeld?

neways, u got the animation down, but it did not make me laugh. not even slightly. just work on the humor.

Retarded >.<

It was basicly made for the young, or retarded. Jokes are stuped- not funny at all. It's graphics were ok. but if you wan this movie to be appreciated you should find a popular sponsor.

Are you ready to suck?

Hehe, seinfeld animals without the funny!

I don't like this 3D animation style either.

Punch up thw writing and also come up with some characters and also stop using voices that sound like stereotypical jewish voices.

animation in need of assistance

This could have, and should have been funny, but for some reason it wasn't. Perhaps it was that the animals voices were incredibly stupid and annoying? or maybe it was that the music? Or the really un-witty dialogue? anyway, here-
Graphics: I thought the graphics were very good, very professional looking. they had the look for this animation, it being a comedy (or an attempted one, anyway). The animals looked a lot nicer than the waitress, but I think that she was ugly on purpose, being human and all. graphics=best part of this animation

Style: I suppose making fun of humans is a good premise, but this was LAME. 'whats with those thumbs?' what is with a pencil-holding sheep is what I sant to know.

sound: The music was unfortunate. the voices were dumb, the dialogue (expletives)ing awful. not only was the dialogue was asinine, they spoke sooo sllooowwllyy and with wierd voices, one wonders if they didn't have mental problems

Violence: Only me banging my head against the wall

Interactivity: see above

humor: less funny than a morgue. less.

Just a few things could have made this funnier. since this isn't really slapstick humour (guy slipping on banana peel) the comedic content of this flick depended on the dialogue, which, frankly, needed much more work. there was some good material there, but it was very poorly presented. If the animals sounded like they knew what they were talking about (i,e, less snorting, less giggling) we would have thought their thoughts about humans were more valid. giving them more character, letting us perhaps know a bit more about them would have helped.I am certain that if given some time, this creator could make some great work, considering their skill considering in actual animation. until then, it needs more work.