All I saw different was the aspect ratio and a single word changed from "owned" to "pwned". That must have been a minor sstrrooke of brilliance on your part.
All I saw different was the aspect ratio and a single word changed from "owned" to "pwned". That must have been a minor sstrrooke of brilliance on your part.
That just sucked...
I'm sorry, but that was pure crap. YOU NEED TO COME UP WITH BETTER IDEAS. the girl from the ring being pwned is NOT FUNNY! don't think that gamer terms will make people like your film. Admittedly, you can animate, that's a plus, but at least try to make your flash work decent next time.
rubbish, rubbish, rubbish,rubbish
Total crap, pls just dont bother making another one, if u do u deserve to die
Oh man, that hurts, and, the other guys, sad it is just great.