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Reviews for "The Collective #1"

A good movie with some flaws

This was definately a good movie, and I can tell a lot of work was put into it. There are, though, a few places where there are problems. One is the voices, not the acting, but the quality. It got fuzzy A LOT. Plus, its a pet peave of mine, so I docked you there. The music was fine though. The graphics were pretty top notch, maybe just slightly under the quality of something like the Decline series. (Nothing compares to the decline series though, lol) The humor was funny at some times, and a bit cheesy and/or overdone at others. I was pleased with the fight scenes, they were action packed, and still injected some humor in parts. I think you definately have skill, but all you need now is a few new jokes, and a new microphone. Keep up the good work.


Andy-Parker responds:

Yeah I'm with you on that fuzziness thing, it was a choice between the fuzz and a giant filesize but I guess I made the wrong choice. This one was a bit of a learning curve for me, hadn't done too much animation in this style as such but you have my word that the next one will be gooder.

It Was Okay! ...Wow, I gave it a lot of 7's...

The animation was fairly smooth and well done, and the movie kept it's tone and stayed pretty congruent throughout the whole duration of it. Unfortunately, it was EXTREMELY SLOW. I didn't find it funny, because I've seen so many "Neo Fights a Lot of Smiths" knockoffs that they just aren't funny anymore. That being said, the fight itself was pretty well done - not the best, but it was still pretty good.
The graphics were *okay.* I say that they're okay because they aren't horrible, but they aren't very good either. I would have given a 6 for graphics if it had not been for the pretty well-done Matrix scene, earning it an extra point.
All in all, it was pretty solid, but it was toe-tappingly long, slow, not very funny - to me at least - and the animation, while consistent, wasn't anything amazing.

In the next one, presuming you're going to make another one, I would speed up things; make the storyline a little more "brisk," if you know what I mean. Maybe some fresh humor would be good, too - instead of rehashing stuff that's been done to death already. Although, I give you props for the "You desire power!?" thing - that seemed pretty original. Anyway, if you've got a good, well-told story, everything else becomes secondary.

Good work, and I look forward to the next one!

Andy-Parker responds:


All your power are belong to me.

good; The action scene was great. There was some dialogue I laughed at. "All your power are belong to me." But thats just because Im a nerd. And "Nobody puts baby in a corner."

bad; It was waaay too drawn out. You say its a snowball going down a hill but after the action scene the snowballs comes to an abrupt stop.

Andy-Parker responds:

...Snow melts you know.

not bad

i liked it , a bit weird , but in a good way , alittle refreshing and slighty funny , but too much "idea stealing" for my taste

Not bad but it has been done way too much.

A comedic duo added with a flavored variable (superpowers, gender/morality/etc opposities, and whatever else) is becoming quite the trend for many flash artists. If you are not going for anything new or impressive, then this may be your schtick. However, if you are looking to break boundaries, jump fences, and kick nuns in the shin, then I suggest looking for a new scene. Rehashed parody scenes of pop culture movies and the 'stop,wait, and okay?' comedy doesn't make my gut roar anymore. Decent job overall.

Andy-Parker responds:

I'm all for kicking boundaries, breaking fences and jumping nuns, but I don't see what that has to do with Flash.