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Reviews for "Piggy Bank Pinko"

Not bad!

A bit better then the last cartoon. Plus it some useless reference to kevin smith and other useless junk we don't already know about. One complant though, calling comic book creators degenrate perverts is just plain wrong. Anyways, nice flash, but a least give the guy a decent villian to beat up once in awhile.

he's baaaaaaaaack!

not as good as the first, but at least you made a sequel! great job!

Brainwashing people, huh?

I think Brad works for al Qaeda ;P

Remembers, kids... Only smash your piggybank when the money you have inside is enough to buy a new one ;-)

Second Success!

Congratulations on another great episode of Captain Capitalism! There is no denying that these cartoons are a pleasure to watch, everything is performed at such a high standard.

This, like its predecessor is visually stunning, even jaw-dropping. The graphics amalgamated with a kind of 'Comic-book' style produces an amazing outcome, as evident by this very cartoon. The characters are fantastic, their facial expressions are amazing, and their overall animation was masterful. This is one of the main reasons why this series is so amazing to watch. The toon oozes with style and flair, and that is hard to do. Kudos, man!

Once again, the sound is up to a very high standard. The voice acting is superb, and is recorded almost flawlessly. The music is also very fitting, as expected. Awesome!

However, I did find that this installment was not as funny as the previous. Perhaps because the comedy was far more explicit last time, but I chalk that down to my comedic interests. Not a problem for the majority of NG'ers anyway.

In conclusion, I found this cartoon to be very entertaining, especially in this visual style department. Nobody can take that away from it. Well done, my friend!

Great work!

Actually, economists who believe in the Solow Model say that a higher savings rate (proportion of income that is not spent) will lead to increased growth as those savings add to an economy's capital and will allow labor to be more efficiently put to use, resulting in higher income. Economic analysis aside, your point was well-made and well-received, as well as having been presented in an entertaining matter. I look forward to more.