thatw as so cool and so true! you guys should watch this COOL flash. it is so freakin hilarious! LOL
thatw as so cool and so true! you guys should watch this COOL flash. it is so freakin hilarious! LOL
Absolutely love it!
My, this animation never ceases to entertain me! I simply adore it.
The idea was fantastic, and the simple graphics actually suited it very well. (And may I compliment your blatant use of profanity? It actually gave the animation a little something extra. =D )
Thank you for giving us interwebnet dwellers a chance to laugh at ourselves ('cause we really needed more ridiculing... ^_^;;; ).
Again, absolutely fantastic animation. I hope to see more from you soon.
Don't Use the internet
OMG LIME WIRE HAS FORSAKEN ME!... well anyway, good flash Nevadeth
LOL. That is hilarious.
Pure funny Ironic fun.