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Reviews for "Sida : The Invisible Evil"


I never thought I see the day when we'd actually get to see a movie set in the middle East that didn't involve cheep Ossama jokes and such. It's a lovely change.
I also liked the fact that it was spoken in actual Arabic (A first for Newgrounds I think) and some beautiful Arabic text along with it.

The animation was a little bit choppy in places, and the graphics were average. Though I did enjoy those nice backgrounds.
You did a fantastic job on the sound though, namely with the music.
As some people have pointed out before me, it would have been nice for some elaboration on the part of Sida, as to his past and why he died, but it sort of adds to the charm of the movie. Everything's not automatically spelled out for the viewer, and it's left for them to figure out. Plus, there's the fact that this was based on a true story, so there's a good chance the full deatails wouldn't be known anyway.

Another thing I find interesting is that this was submitted during the month of Ramadan, a time when Muslims are supposed to take notice of those less fortunate than ourselves. I wonder, did you submit it at this point in time for that reason, oir was it just coincidence?

In any case, you did good work with this. I hope we see more of your stuff in the future.


A very touching story.. it really is sad that he was an outcast and though you have told us the fact that he was "crazy" you should show not tell. A sad fate of a man, and it really does end as a cliffhanger. Nice job though! :)

The message surpasses anything else...

This piece has good grafics and style, the fact that it's a different language adds a unique flair to the piece. Though the voice acting was perfectly fine, the recording of it was just alittle bit flawed (As the sound of the voices seemed slightly lower quality than what would be expected).

The message, however, is the best part of all. Forget the grafics, forget the sound, forget how it's exicuted in this piece, the message is all that is important. And anyone who disagrees with the fact the message's value either has the IQ of 50 or is a shallow duma**.

Great piece throughout, keep up the excellent work! ^^

make you think

great movie, i didn't get why they called it the invisible evil, but thne i realized that it was the bad reputation of the man who was the invisible evil. it really make you think


I liked it.It was pretty sad but it didnt really make sense.The animation in this was amazing though.