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Reviews for "Space Fighters Revolution"

pretty good

it was a good game to spend 30 minutes on i would suggest making the full version as a side project while working on other flash because this game would be great with customizable ships and more weapons. if possible also make the ship and weapons upgradable as in recharge time, more health, faster firing rate ect.

Nemo responds:

As much as I would like to see an updated version of this, I don't think I will be doing that any time soon. I have a load of other stuff I want to work on for the time being. Maybe after I finish my priority games, I might come back to this. We'll see. Thanks for the review!

Pretty much like every space shooter

I would've liked more upgrades. Possibly a credit/money system to buy new stuff. Maybe add in the effect so when you shoot off screen, it appears on the other side.

Was pretty fun and killed some time, but was pretty much a clone IMO.

Nemo responds:

Aren't upgrades, money systems, appearing on other side of the screen all characteristics of every space shooter? Decent argument, but bad support. Don't take it personally. I still appreciate your review. Thanks!

Nice one.

Fun game, it had me playing it for about an hour, first on Vetran then on Elite. Menu was useful, required some skill to aim and hit things (probably source of some of the "OMG WTF GAY GAY GAY" style reviews) and required moving and shooting (gasp). You obviously spent some time simply on the aesthetics of the game, and it showed, though not too much was shown via diff stages etc. what WAS shown was of good quality. Since you have two types of ammo projectile weapons, in a sequel, if you make one, something other than damage should be produced to tell them apart (Example, homing on Missles, and Splash Damage on Torpedos.) Codes usefull, and for those who said it was too easy, you were probably ON easy. You've recieved many usefull and supportive reviews, mine included, and a bunch of people who like 'teh pr0n'. Good Job, here's a quick wishlist of sequal features I'd personally like to see.

Wish List:
-More levels
-Ship Customization
-More enemies
-More weapon type variety (as said before permanant weapon upgrades, temporary etc)
-Plotline (would be nice, doesnt have to be epic, but a start, ending and general goal would be helpful)
-Keep Freelance mode, hopefully with a highscore table to compare and compete.
-Duel Mode

That about does it, thanks for the game.

PS. I made it up to 22700 on veteran in like 22 minutes before getting swarmed.


Nemo responds:

This is a very helpful review. I definitely think your ideas are good and many of them I wanted to implement into this game but ended up just submitting it like this. I'm glad you liked it and noticed the aesthetics I tried to get in there. Next time I'll add more weapons, enemies, levels, game modes, etc. Again, thanks for the review!


Hey bro. This is a pretty good game. I haven't really done that much in programming and all that but I bet this was a bitch to make. So you deserve some thanks and congratulations.....thanks and congratulations. I don't think this was too unoriginal either, like others are saying. I mean, sure, it has some Asteroid aspects in it, but it still has its own factor and style which is what counts. Even though I didn't turn on any of the music in the game because I was listening to my own shit, I thought the quality of the sound in the game was nice, so I gave that credit. Anyways, nice job dude. You should make the big ass version you were talking about. Thats just my opinion though. Keep up the good work

p.s. I think it's really cool how you actually reply to your viewers reviews. Props to you

Nemo responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm definitely glad you liked it. I knew this would share some aspects of Asteroids but I was hoping to add in some things of my own. You can't please everyone and I understand that not everyone would be impressed, but I'm pretty happy with how this game turned out, even though I didn't finish it in the way that I wanted.

When I started this I really did not have much programming experience. There was only one large scale game I worked on before this, and I ended up scrapping it. I started off with very simple and messy code, and got a lot better later on. That's half of the reason I just stopped working on this. The programming was terrible and just not made very well. I definitely did learn a lot from making this and the reviews I got from everyone really help in making my games better. I really appreciate reviews and am glad Newgrounders such as yourself take the time to give constructive criticism. Therefore, it should be you who recieves the thanks.

Thanks again!


Great game! It's a great timewaster. The graphics look great, the gamplay is smooth and there are plenty of options, despite the ones you say you had to leave out. :P Keep up the great work!


Nemo responds:
