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Reviews for "Space Fighters Revolution"


This is an addicting game

Nemo responds:

Just like cigarettes I hear. I'm glad you liked it.

Bug report

I got to the third fighter that comes out and destroyed him.I cleared off the rest of the screen but I could still hear him shooting.The next wave would not come so I closed the game.I would have given you a ten except for the bug.Good job though and you get a 3 on the other scale.

Nemo responds:

It seems that happens occasionally with some people. It has never happened to me, so I don't know what is causing it. I've looked over the programming and nothing seems to be wrong. Oh well. Thanks for the review and the heads up.


boring.........just simply boring....try to make new things if u are planning a sequel

Nemo responds:

Ok. Thanks for the "in depth" review.


I thought this was a little boring. It got old fast. After a hundred or so asteroids being pelted at you, it became boring. And there were only 4 weapons to choose from. That was no fun. Nice try. Try some new stuff if you make a sequel.

Nemo responds:

Like I've said many times, it was meant to be much better, but the time it was taking was angering me, so I just pulled out all of the campaign and story and didn't make any more weapons or anything. Thanks for the review. Criticism always helps!

a whole barrage of awesomeness

this game was great, and it needs no point, just flying around blowing stuff is all you need in a game. firing those missiles takes some skill though. i got to a level with two green enimies and one red one and was like "farrrk" then more obstacles came in and i was shouting even louder. brilliant game. also you an turn all the music off in the options menu so i could play listening to metallica with zappy laser sounds. HORRAY!

Nemo responds:

I'm glad you liked it. I figured it would be a good idea to allow players to turn off the music so they can listen to their own. Obviously it paid off! Thanks for the review!