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Reviews for "Grave 3"


This game could be better, you need better graphics it looks like something a child could design.

FrostedMuffins responds:

I am a child! I'm 14.


first of all, i wasted all of my ammo in the beginning, and it ran so slow, i just quit after i killed the alien heads. and its not just my computer cus my computer is kick ass. the game is just slow. sorry man.


it sucked horribly

make more guns
stronger guns
gayless zombies
(they were really cheezy looking)


can anyne say doom III?

it has the cool badass wepons of doomIII same storyline and well pretty much everything about it was from doomIII
it would be better if you were to smooth some stuff out maby give it a better storyline that was made up by you
and ya im pretty confuzled about the dual weilding shotgun thing
make it kinda like they do in dating sims where you can move around in a manner of clicking the button on the left and you go to the area to the left maby some faster wepons..the shotgun took forever to cock better sx better gun sounds and a lot longer and harder and instead of promising me zombies and giving me possesed marines kinda pissed me off maby a reload button or even better make it into a 2d mario format if you have small time or low budget so ya get to work on the next one take your time take some NG flash tutorials.make a fun one....WITH ZOMBIES NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!oh it was also a little lagy.

FrostedMuffins responds:

Deeply inspired by Doom 3, I know. I'm kind of tired of making up things for this series, it's just not my thing. If I ever do something like this again, I'll just be programming. I personally am not very fond of FPS in flash because they are generally easy to make. I love 2d sidescrollers in that they are a challenge to create. I don't need to read any tutorials here on NG, I could make some I guess. I know how to make any kind of flash game (except those that imitate 3D extremely well) and can easily show and explain everything about them in code. Well, hey, maybe I'll make a tutorial.
Sorry, I'm just mumbling now, I'm very tired. I'll make zombies next time I guess, and I'll make it much faster. Thanks for the review.

not a bad idea, but poorly executed

good thinking, poor talent